Chromium 6 Contamination in Drinking Water

In drinking water, hexavalent chromium (Cr-VI) is likely to be a carcinogen at certain levels.  Studies are still being conducted to evaluate what level is unsafe and whether it does cause cancer or not. Chromium 6 was the basis for the true story of Erin Brochovich and the legal battle she undertook defending safe drinking water. Rusted iron pipes can react with residual disinfectants in drinking water distribution systems to produce carcinogenic hexavalent chromium in drinking water, reports a study by engineers at UC Riverside. Certain chemical reactions can change chromium atoms into a hexavalent form that creates cancer causing genetic mutations in cells.

Potential Health Effects include Nausea, gastrointestinal distress, stomach ulcers, skin ulcers, allergic reactions, Kidney and liver damage, Reproductive problems, Lung and nasal cancer.

Treatment Methods Point-of-Entry (POE) Point-of-Use (POU) The best way to reduce chromium-6 is through a reverse osmosis system. It is also known that distillation and anion exchange methods are effective.



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